nome  clicca sulle marchi per confrontare i prezzi |
24/7 Real Media | A. Eicoff & Co, ABC Public Relations, ASATSU Inc. | Banner McBride, Batey Ads, BDG McColl, Berlin, Cameron & Partners, BizEvents, BMRB International, Branding & Identity, Brouillard Communications, Buchanan Communications | Carl Byoir & Associates, Charles River Strategies, Chime, Clever Media, Cole & Weber, Coley Porter Bell, CommonHealth, Communicacion y Servicio Consultores, Conquest, Credit Call Research | Dawson (51%), Dovetail | Einson Freeman, Enterprise IG, Equus, EWA | Federalist Group | Goldfarb Consultants | Healthcare & Specialist, HHCL (49%), Hill & Knowlton, H-Line Worldwide (60%) | Indian Market Research Bureau (IMRB), Information & Consultancy, Interactive, IPAN (India Public Affairs Network) | JWT Specialized Com. | Kantar Media Research | Management Ventures, Inc, Mando Marketing, Maximize, Media Insight, Media Investissement Management, Mediaedge CIA, Mendoza, Dillon & Asociados, Metro Group, Millward Brown, MindShare, MSI Consulting | Oakley Young, Octopus Communications, Ogilvy & Mather, Ogilvy Public Relations, OgilvyOne | Penn, Schoen and Berland, Portland Outdoor Advertising, Primary Contact, Promotional Campaigns, Public Relations & Publics Affairs | Quadra Advisory | Relations Marketing, Research International, Research International Qualitatif, Research Resources, RMG International, ROCQM, RTCdirect | Savatar, SBG Enterprise, Scott Stern, Showcase Entertainment Marketing, Showcase Placements, Smith & Jones | Tempus, The Communications Group (70%), The Farm, The Food Group, The Futures Group, The Geppetto Group, The Grass Roots Group, The Henley Centre, The Intuition Group, The Kantar Group, The Wexler Group, ThompsonConnect, Timmons & Co., TMP | Video International | WalkerGroup/CNI, Walter Thompson Co, Winona Group |
» Comperiamo locale, etica e al migliore prezzo su Ethishop  |
anno | attività fonte |
2004 | Seconda rete pubblicitaria mondiale. | Les Echos |
paese | indirizzo & contatto : tipo de produzione vantaggio fonte |
Cina | Dawson (51%) : Production, Les Echos |
Cina | Always (65%) : publicité CB-News |
Irlanda | Headquarters : Production, WPP a déménagé son siège social du Royaume-Uni vers l'Irlande pour des raisons fiscales. "Le monde est mobile, les pays doivent en tenir compte" (PDF Sir Martin Sorrell, 2008) Les Echos |
Russia | Video International : The Guardian |
anno nome | foto funzione; retribuzione fonte |
anno | impiegati <> | impatto sociale : paese fonte |
anno | impiegati <> | impatto sociale : paese fonte |
anno |   | fatturato | profitti | | | fonte |
2003 |
| 4,11 | 0,45 | |   | miliardi UK£ | |
2002 |
| 3,91 | 0,27 | |   | miliardi UK£ | |
2001 |
| 5,86 | 0,4 | |   | miliardi US$ | |
2000 |
| 4,46 | 0,36 | |   | miliardi US$ | |
1998 |
| 3,18 | 0,23 | |   | miliardi US$ | |
anno | delinquenza finanziaria | fatturato | profitti | attivo | riscatto | fonte |
anno | pratica dubbia : immagine fonte |
2007 | Disinformazione: | Financial Times |