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anno | attività fonte |
2006 | Halliburton è il primo prestatore di servizi di perforazione petrolifera nel mondo. La sua filiale KBR è il terzo produttore di raffinerie e di fabbrica chimica degli Stati Uniti. | Bloomberg |
paese | indirizzo & contatto : tipo de produzione vantaggio fonte |
Arabia Saudita | Arabian Rockbits and Drilling Tools Company, Ltd. : Polaris Institute |
Bahrein | Security DBS (MEM) E.C (20%) : |
Barbados | Kellogg Foreign Sales Corporation : |
Barbados | Grove Foreign Sales Corporation : |
Bermuda | Professional Resources Ltd : |
Bermuda | Property and Casualty Insurance, Ltd : |
Cipro | CEBO Cyprus Ltd (50%) : |
Cipro | SIF Overseas Trading Ltd (50%) : |
Cipro | Sperry Sun Drilling Services (Cyprus) Ltd : |
Cipro | Bredero Price (West Africa) Ltd (50%) : |
Cipro | Kapeq Trading Ltd (50%) : |
Cipro | Kellogg Intercontinental Ltd : |
Cipro | Bredero-Price Custom Coating Ltd (50%) : |
Cipro | Uniglobe Engineering Ltd (50%) : |
Cipro | Bredero Price (Middle East) Ltd (50%) : |
Cuba | Guantanamo : Construction d'un nouveau centre de détention Reuters |
Guam | Dresser Foreign Sales Corporation : |
Guam | KDC Foreign Sales Corporation (50%) : |
Isole Cayman | Halliburton Geophysical Services (Cayman) Ltd : |
Isole Cayman | Walbridge Brown & Root International LLC (50%) : |
Isole Cayman | Petroleum and Industrial Maintenance Company Ltd (30%) : |
Isole Cayman | Halliburton Energy Development (Kazakhstan) Ltd : |
Isole Cayman | International Oil Field Engineering Ltd (51%) : |
Tonga | Kinhill Kramer (Tonga) Ltd : |
Irak | Anaconda military base, 30 000 soldiers : All infrastructure and logistics PBS |
Irak | : Sous-traitance, Depuis 2001, les employés d'Halliburton en Irak ont préparé 375 millions de repas, livré 2,16 milliards de litres de carburant militaire, acheminé 86 millions de tonnes de courrier… AFP |
Irak | : Réparation des infrastructures pétrolières, services logistiques aux armés, alimentation en électricité |
Irak | : firefighting contract CNN |
Irlanda | Dresser Ireland Finance Co : |
Jersey | Brown & Root (Overseas) Ltd : |
Madera | TSKJ joint-Venture : Le Figaro |
Messico | PARQUE INDUSTRIAL DEL NORTE, 39555 N/D TAMAULIPAS REYNOSA & 45875 : Sistema de Informacion de la Industria Maquiladora |
Nigeria | Delta du Niger : usine de production de gaz de pétrole liquide, 34.000 barils par jour AFP |
Nigeria | : liquefied natural gas plant and developing an offshore oil and gas facility AP |
Panama | Landmark America Latina, SA : |
Panama | Brown & Root International, Inc : |
Panama | Sub Sea Worldwide, Inc : |
Panama | Sub Sea Overseas, Inc : |
Panama | Kellogg Overseas Services Corp : |
Panama | Halliburton Latin America SA : |
Filippine | Brown & Root Industrial Services Philippines Inc : |
Qatar | Pearl : Production, Gas to Liquid plant Les Echos |
Jugoslavia | KBR : support des troupes américaines dans les Balkans Le Monde |
Svizzera | Dresser-Rand Services, S.a.r.L (51%) : |
Svizzera | Dresser-Rand Compression Services, S.A (51%) : |
Tailandia | Halliburton Group Canada, Inc., HBR : Polaris Institute |
Uzbekistan | Food contract for american troops : New York Times |
Vanuatu | Kinhill Kramer (Vanuatu) Ltd : |
Venezuela | Brown & Root GEMSA, S.A. : Polaris Institute |
anno nome | foto funzione; retribuzione fonte |
2002Coleman, Lester L |  Direttore generale; salario: 2,02 milioni US$; Polaris Institute |
2002Foshee, Douglas |  Direttore finanziario; salario: 2,04 milioni US$; Polaris Institute |
2002Lesar, David J |  Presidente; salario: 7,75 milioni US$; Polaris Institute |
anno | impiegati <> | impatto sociale : paese fonte |
anno | impiegati <> | impatto sociale : paese fonte |
anno | paese : conseguenza fonte |
2004 | Stati Uniti : Agreed to pay $2.78 billion of cash, 59.5 million Halliburton shares and notes with a value of less than $100 million to settle current and future asbestos and silica lawsuits tradurre | Bloomberg |
anno | paese : conseguenza fonte |
anno | paese : descrizione |
2000 | Birmania : Déplacement forcé de population, exécutions sommaires, Tortures, Viols et violences contre les femmes tradurre | Earthrights International |
anno | paese : descrizione fonte |
anno | delinquenza finanziaria | fatturato | profitti | | riscatto | fonte |
2008 |
| 18,3 | 1,5 | |   | miliardi US$ | Les Echos |
2007 |
| | 3,5 | |   | miliardi US$ | Les Echos |
2007 |
Dal 2004, Kellogg Brown & Root, il primo subappaltatore privato dell'esercito americano in Iraq, ha frodato la sicurezza sociale e medica di centinaia di milioni di dollari assumendo 21000 dipendenti attraverso società-schermo immatricolate nelle isole caimani. Queste società, semplicemente registrate in un elaboratore di un gabinetto d'avvocato, non vi hanno alcun'attività, nessun indirizzo né numero di telefono. |
| | | |   | | Boston Globe |
2007 |
Two former employees of government contractor KBR allegedly conspired to defraud the Pentagon out of more than $2 million through a bribery scheme involving fuel shipments they oversaw at Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan. According to the indictment, Sellman and Ward allegedly pocketed cash payments that Afghan truck drivers gave them in exchange for overstating fuel quantities on receipts for deliveries to the airfield. As a result of the alleged transactions, which the government says took place between May and September 2006, truckers diverted more than 784,000 gallons of fuel — valued at over $2.1 million — away from the base. Both men were employed by KBR, the contractor responsible for "inspecting the fuel deliveries; verifying the quality, quantity and delivery of the fuel claimed" on the drivers' paperwork at the time of delivery, the indictment says. tradurre |
| | | |   | | ABC |
2006 |
| | 2,3 | |   | miliardi US$ | Les Echos |
2006 |
Halliburton charged the US Governement 1.8 Billion US$ for work in Iraq that can't be accounted for. tradurre |
| | | |   | | PBS |
2006 |
Rep. Waxman of the Committee on Government Reform Minority Office found Halliburton guilty of: Intentional Overcharging: Halliburton repeatedly overcharged the taxpayer, apparently intentionally. In one case, "[c]ost estimates had hidden rate factors to increase cost of project without informing the Government." In another instance, Halliburton "tried to inflate cost estimate by $26M." In a third example, Halliburton claimed costs for laying concrete pads and footings that the Iraqi Oil Ministry had "already put in place."
• Exorbitant Costs: Halliburton was "accruing exorbitant indirect costs at a rapid rate." Government officials concluded that Halliburton 's "lack of cost containment and funds management is the single biggest detriment to this program." They found a "lack of cost control ... in Houston, Kuwait, and Iraq." In a partial review of the RIO 2 contract, DCAA auditors challenged $45 million in costs as unreasonable or unsupported.
• Inadequate Cost Reporting: Halliburton "universally failed to provide adequate cost information," had "profound systemic problems," provided "substandard" cost reports that did "not meet minimum standards," and submitted reports that had been "vetted of any information that would allow tracking of details." Halliburton produced "unacceptable unchecked cost reports."
• Schedule Delays: Halliburton 's work under RIO 2 was continually plagued by delays. Halliburton had a "50% late completion" rate for RIO 2 projects. Evaluations noted "untimely work" and "schedule slippage."
• Refusal to Cooperate: Evaluations described Halliburton as "obstructive" with oversight officials. Despite the billions in taxpayer funds Halliburton has been paid, the company's "leadership demonstrated minimal cooperative attitude resolving problems." tradurre |
| | | |   | | Yubanet |
2005 |
Aux Etats-Unis, la justice a inculpé Jeff Alex Mazon, ex-chargé d’affaires au Koweït de KBR, la principale filiale d’Halliburton. Elle le soupçonne d’avoir surfacturé un contrat de livraison de carburant à l’armée états-unienne entre décembre 2002 et juin 2003. La fraude s’élève à plus de 3,5 millions de dollars. tradurre |
| | | |   | | AGEFI |
2004 |
| 20,46 | -0,98 | |   | miliardi US$ | |
2004 |
Charged the US Army for dining hall meals that were never served. tradurre |
| | | |   | | Washington Post |
2004 |
Overcharged oil sales to US Army in Iraq: Halliburton agreed to refund the government $33.4 million. tradurre |
| | | |   | | Washington Post |
2003 |
| 16,27 | -0,82 | |   | miliardi US$ | |
2002 |
| 12,5 | -1 | |   | miliardi US$ | |
2002 |
Pays $6m to settle about 20 shareholder class-action lawsuits over allegations of questionable accounting practices tradurre |
| | | |   | | Financial Times |
2002 |
Counted projected cost-overrun payments as revenues. SEC is investigating both whether the company accounted for these revenues properly, and whether it adequately disclosed the information. tradurre |
| | | |   | | Newsweek |
2001 |
| 12,94 | 0,81 | |   | miliardi US$ | |
2000 |
| 11,86 | 0,5 | |   | miliardi US$ | |
1999 |
| 14,9 | 0,44 | |   | miliardi US$ | |
1999 |
Kellogg Brown & Root a multiplié les surfacturations en Bosnie tradurre |
| | | |   | | Le Monde |
1998 |
| 17,35 | -0,01 | |   | miliardi US$ | |
1996 |
Fraude fiscale par des filiales aux Iles Caîmans: 38 millions de $US tradurre |
| | | |   | | La Découverte |
anno | delinquenza finanziaria | fatturato | profitti | attivo | riscatto | fonte |
anno | scopo : intermediario/lobby : istituzione fonte |
anno | donatore | paese | importo | fonte |
1999 | Nations Unies | | 18 milioni US$ | AP |
anno | donatore | paese | importo | fonte |
anno | pratica dubbia : immagine fonte |
2005 | valore: Health, safety, environment; | |
2004 | slogan: Proud To Serve Our Troops; | |
2002 | Disinformazione: relazioni pubbliche: M | Washington Post |