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Attività e quota di mercato
paese | indirizzo & contatto : tipo de produzione vantaggio fonte |
Aruba | Duck Lake International A.V. : |
Barbados | Zond International Sales Corporation : |
Barbados | Enron (Barbados) International Business Corporation : |
Guam | Enron Guam Piti Corp : |
Honduras | Enron Power Honduras S. de R.L : |
Isole Cayman | Jedi II limited liability partnership : Bloomberg |
Isole Cayman | Enron International Sichuan Gas Investments Ltd : |
Isole Cayman | Enron International Central America Holdings Ltd : |
Isole Cayman | Enron International North Bengal Holding Co. Ltd : |
Liberia | Enron Gas Liquids Far East, Ltd : |
Messico | Centrale de Monterrey (20%) : cogénération au gaz naturel Les Echos |
Panama | Empresa de Generacion Electrica Bahia Las Minas, S.A (51%) : |
Panama | Enron Internacional Panama, S.A : |
Filippine | Enron Development (Philippines) Ltd : |
Turchia | : US Government Country Business Profile |
anno nome | foto funzione; retribuzione fonte |
2000Lay, Kenneth L |  Presidente; stock-options: 62 milioni US$; indennità: 132 milioni US$; The Guardian |
1998JK, Skilling |  Direttore generale; salario: 3,07 milioni US$;
1998JW, Sutton |  Vicepresidente; salario: 1,72 milioni US$;
anno | impiegati <> | impatto sociale : paese fonte |
2001 | -4000 | | CBS Marketwatch |
anno | impiegati <> | impatto sociale : paese fonte |
anno | paese : descrizione |
1997 | India : Attacks on peaceful protesters at Dhabol construction site, assaults on the local villagers who protested environmental destruction tradurre | Amnesty International |
anno | paese : descrizione fonte |
anno | delinquenza finanziaria | fatturato | profitti | | | fonte |
2006 |
L'ex capo contabile dell'intermediario in energia Enron, Richard Causey, è stato condannato a 5 anni e mezzo di prigione da un tribunale federale di Houston. Aveva perorato colpevole nel dicembre 2005 di molti di più di 30 capi di inculpation trattenuti contro lui, in particolare di frode finanziaria suscettibile di un massimo di sette anni di prigione. Richard Causey ha riconosciuto avere cospirato con altri membri della direzione di Enron per fare dichiarazioni infedeli e menzoniere in documenti trasmessi alla Commissione delle operazioni in borsa (SEC) ed in informazioni trasmesse agli analisti finanziari sulla situazione del gruppo di courtage in energia. |
| | | |   | | AFP |
2006 |
Former Enron executive Jeffrey Skilling was sentenced to 24 years and four months in federal prison for his role in Enron's massive accounting fraud. Skilling was convicted on charges including fraud and conspiracy. tradurre |
| | | |   | | San Jose Mercury News |
2006 |
Il direttore finanziario di Enron, Andrew Fastow, è stato condannato a 10 anni di prigione. |
| | | |   | | Les Echos |
2006 |
Former Enron Corp. chiefs Ken Lay was convicted of all six counts of conspiracy and fraud in the 2001 collapse of Enron. He faces a maximum of 45 years in prison. Skilling, 52, was found guilty of 19 counts of conspiracy, fraud, insider trading and making false statements which combined, carry a maximum sentence of 185 years. tradurre |
| | | |   | | Reuters |
2006 |
Former Enron Chief Executive Ken Lay lied to credit agencies to prop up the energy trader's ratings even as its cash dwindled, the company's former treasurer testified. Former Treasurer Ben Glisan, 40, said Enron forewarned credit rating agency Moody's Inc. it would cut the value of some overvalued assets by $1 billion in October 2001, but Lay telephoned the agency to tell an analyst there the company had no other skeletons to hide.
In fact, Glisan said, those asset write-downs should have been at least $3.5 billion, but he and Lay knew revealing such dramatically bad news would send the company into a death spiral. tradurre |
| | | |   | | Reuters |
2006 |
Former Enron Corp. chiefs Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling manipulated the reported earnings for the fourth quarter of 1999 and the second quarter of 2000. tradurre |
| | | |   | | Reuters |
2005 |
Scheme to drive up energy prices during California's power crisis in order to "maximize profit": bought California power at cheap, capped prices, routed it outside the state, and then sold it back into California at vastly inflated prices. Agreed to a $1.52 billion settlement to resolve California claims the company drove up prices during the state's energy crisis of 2000 and 2001. tradurre |
| | | |   | | Bloomberg |
2005 |
10 anciens administrateurs d'Enron avaient accepté de transiger une « class action » d'actionnaires à hauteur de 168 millions de dollars: 13 millions seront supportés par les administrateurs sur leur patrimoine propre, le solde devant être financé par l'assurance. tradurre |
| | | |   | | Les Echos |
2003 |
David Delainey pled guilty to insider trading, forfeited $4.26 million in unlawful proceeds, ordered to pay a $3.74 million civil penalty tradurre |
| | | |   | | CNN |
2003 |
Lea Fastow is accused of conspiring to skim profits from the company's wind farm operations and of failing to report the income to the US IRS. 31 new charges against Andrew Fastow. Nine other Enron executives were also charged. tradurre |
| | | |   | | BBC News |
2002 |
"Paid no income taxes in four of the last five years, using almost 900 subsidiaries in tax-haven countries and other techniques; was also eligible for $382 million in tax refunds from the Treasury" tradurre |
| | | |   | | New York Times |
2002 |
Enron obscured its finances with a complex web of partnerships and questionable accounting practices that fooled debt-rating agencies, Wall Street analysts and investors. tradurre |
| | | |   | | CNN |
2002 |
A créé deux firmes, Hansen Investments Ltd. et Newman Investments Co, pour que des paiements sur le capital d'un prêt à une entreprise de pâtes et papier du Québec soient considérés comme des intérêts déductibles, a permis d'économiser 93 millions $. tradurre |
| | | |   | | La Presse Canadienne |
2002 |
Michael J. Kopper pleads guilty to financial wrongdoing, will surrender $12 million, based on a $125,000 investment in a partnership called Chewco. tradurre |
| | | |   | | Washington Post |
2002 |
Andrew Fastow was charged with fraud tradurre |
| | | |   | | CNN |
2002 |
reported false data about the price of natural gas. State Senator Joseph Dunn: "wholesale manipulation at every level (...) effort to drive up prices by any means necessary" tradurre |
| | | |   | | New York Times |
2001 |
London Metal Exchange infligge una multa di 150.000 lire sterline a Enron per abuso di posizione dominante. |
| | | |   | | Les Echos |
2001 |
Enron allegedly violated accounting rules by falsely claiming $111 million in profit from the Internet venture with Blockbuster, two officers were charged with securities fraud, wire fraud, conspiracy and making false statements to FBI investigators. tradurre |
| | | |   | | CBS Marketwatch |
2001 |
Enron and former company vice president, Hunter Shively, charged with manipulating natural gas prices. tradurre |
| | | |   | | CNN |
2001 |
Enron accused of operating EnronOnline as "an illegal futures exchange" from September 2001 to December 2001 because it traded commodity futures contract swaps, which required CFTC registration. tradurre |
| | | |   | | CNN |
2001 |
plainte de la CFTC accusant Enron et un ancien vice-président, Hunter Shively, d'avoir manipulé en juillet 2001 les prix sur le marché du gaz naturel tradurre |
| | | |   | | AFP |
2000 |
Two Enron Corp. executives were accused by U.S. prosecutors of fabricating $111 million in profits from a video-on-demand venture with Blockbuster Inc tradurre |
| | | |   | | Bloomberg |
2000 |
| | 0,85 | |   | miliardi US$ | Forbes |
1999 |
| | 0,64 | |   | miliardi US$ | Forbes |
1998 |
allegedly rigged brazilian utility bid: Enron agreed not to bid for the utility in return for other potentially lucrative energy deals with AES (build and operate a 1500Mw power plant and supply it with gas). tradurre |
| | | |   | | AP |
1998 |
| | 0,59 | |   | miliardi US$ | Forbes |
1998 |
| 31,26 | 0,7 | |   | miliardi US$ | |
1997 |
| | 0,01 | |   | miliardi US$ | Forbes |
anno | delinquenza finanziaria | fatturato | profitti | attivo | riscatto | fonte |
anno | scopo : intermediario/lobby : istituzione fonte |