nome  clicca sulle marchi per confrontare i prezzi |
» Comperiamo locale, etica e al migliore prezzo su Ethishop  |
anno | attività fonte |
2007 | Gli articoli Adidas sono fabbricati da 1070 subappaltatori in 67 paesi, 67% in Asia di cui 24% in Cina, 17% in America e 16% in Europa ed in Africa. | El Pais |
2006 | Adidas vende il 35% delle attrezzature per il calcio comperate nel mondo, prima fila mondiale. | Les Echos |
2004 | Adidas è il secondo produttore di sistemi elettrici sportivo mondiale. | |
paese | indirizzo & contatto : tipo de produzione vantaggio fonte |
Albania | : 2 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Brasile | : 1 facility Fair Labor Association |
Campucea | : 3 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Cile | adidas Chile Ltda : |
Cina | Yue Yuen factory, Dongguan : shoes Asian Monitor Resource Center |
Cina | Guangzhou Adi Trade & Development Co. Ltd. : |
Cina | Guangzhou adi Sporting Goods Ltd. : |
Cina | adidas (Suzhou) Co. Ltd. : |
Colombia | : 1 facility Fair Labor Association |
Croazia | : 1 facility Fair Labor Association |
Honduras | : 6 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Hong-Kong | adidas China Holding Co. Ltd. (50%) : |
Hong-Kong | Adidas Salomon International Sourcing Ltd : |
India | adidas India Private Ltd. : |
Indonesia | Nikomas Gemilang : vestes, chaussettes The Guardian |
Indonesia | Tainan : vestes, chaussettes The Guardian |
Indonesia | Tuntex factory, Jakarta : vestes, chaussettes The Guardian |
Laos | : 3 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Libano | adidas Middle East SAL : |
Macao | : 2 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Macedonia | : 2 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Malaysia | adidas Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (60%) : |
Marocco | : 2 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Messico | adidas Industrial S.A. de C.V : |
Messico | adidas de Mexico S.A. de C.V : |
Pakistan | : 5 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Panama | adidas Latin America S.A : |
Polonia | adidas Poland Sp. z. o. o : |
Sri Lanka | : 2 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Tailandia | adidas (Thailand) Co. Ltd., Bangkok : |
Tailandia | adidas Holding (Thailand) Co. Ltd., Bangkok : |
Tunisia | : 11 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Ucraina | : 2 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Venezuela | adidas Corporation de Venezuela, S.A : |
Vietnam | : 21 facilities Fair Labor Association |
anno nome | foto funzione; retribuzione fonte |
anno | impiegati <> | impatto sociale : paese fonte |
2008 | -11 | Ristrutturazione interna: violazioni OIL 87, 98 : I dipendenti di Paxar Corp, che producono etichette e loghi per diverse grandi marche tra cui Nike, Adidas e Puma, sono stati licenziati per aver tentato di formare un sindacato.: Turchia | Labour behing the label |
2007 | | Top Shoes Co. Ltd ha chiuso la sua fabbrica di Dongguan il 20 dicembre 2007, ed ha eliminato 4000 posti di lavoro a causa del ribasso del dollaro/yuan, della nuova legge che rafforza i diritti degli operai cinesi o della disponibilità d' una mano d' opera più conveniente a l' interno della Cina. Top Shoes fabbricava per Adidas e Reebok.: Cina | Labour behing the label |
2006 | | violazioni OIL 87,98 : At PT Daejoo Leports subcontractor's plant in KBN export processing zone, Marunda Branch, North Jakarta: Workers who had formed a union to try to negotiate improvements to poor conditions through collective bargaining negotiations were harassed and intimidated. Daejoo Leports then closed the factory and moved the production to China. tradurre : Indonesia | Oxfam |
2006 | | violazioni OIL 87,98 : In a PT Panarub subscontractor's factory in Tangerang: widespread labour violations at Panarub, including systematic discrimination against members of one of the two unions in the factory. Late in 2005, 33 members of one of the unions, including most of the union’s leaders, were fired for activities linked to their participation in a strike. tradurre : Indonesia | Oxfam |
2005 | | salario minimo/giorno: 25 US$; TurchiaLivre | |
2005 | | salario minimo/giorno: 10 US$; TailandiaLivre | |
2005 | | salario minimo/giorno: 6 US$; CinaLivre | |
2005 | | salario minimo/giorno: 5 US$; IndiaLivre | |
2005 | | salario minimo/giorno: 4 US$; PakistanLivre | |
2002 | | | Fair Labor Association |
2002 | | salario minimo/giorno: 0,67 US$; VietnamFair Labor Association | |
2002 | | violazioni OIL 100, 111 : «During an independent external monitoring visit of a factory producing for adidas in Mexico, the factory management informed the monitors that pregnant women could not be hired by the factory, and that this practice was the factory’s official policy.» tradurre : Messico | Fair Labor Association |
2002 | | violazioni OIL 29, 105, 138 : young workers were working overtime illegally and that at least one child worker (14 years old) was employed at a supplier facility tradurre : Vietnam | Fair Labor Association |
2000 | | violazioni OIL 29 87 98 : Travail forcé de prisonniers. tradurre : Cina | AFP |
2000 | | salario minimo/giorno: 1 US$; violazioni OIL 138 : Lavoro di bambino: | The Guardian |
2000 | | employés enfermé dans l'usine tradurre : | The Guardian |
1999 | | violazioni OIL 1 : Tainan factory: 79-85 hrs/week, Tuntex factory: 64-70 hrs/week, Nikomas Gemilang: 61 hrs/week tradurre : Indonesia | SUDWIND-Materialien |
1999 | | violazioni OIL 100, 111 : Discrimination, by all three suppliers. tradurre : Indonesia | SUDWIND-Materialien |
1999 | | salario minimo/giorno: 0,84 US$; violazioni OIL 26, 131 : poverty wage tradurre : Indonesia | SUDWIND-Materialien |
1998 | | violazioni OIL 29 87 98 : Forced labor in prison camps tradurre : Cina | Laogai Research Foundation |
1998 | | violazioni OIL 26, 29, 87, 98, 105 : Neither the minimum wage nor the legally prescribed overtime pay are being paid. Overtime is forced and exceeds the legally prescribed maximum number of hours. Union activities are hampered. Excessive sanctions / wages. Sexual harassment of female workers tradurre : Indonesia | |
1998 | | salario minimo/giorno: 3 US$; BulgariaClean Clothes Campaign | |
1998 | | violazioni OIL 1, 26, 100, 111, 131 : At the Formosa/Evergreen factory in El Salvador, there are about 1000 women who work 60-70 hours per week for a monthly wage of US$133. Women becoming pregnant are dismissed. Unions are being suppressed. tradurre : El Salvador | Monitor |
1997 | | violazioni OIL 29, 105 : Forced labor: Workers have to work seven days a week with forced overtime of up to seven hours a day - paid at the normal rate of pay. tradurre : Cina | Asian Monitor Resource Center |
1997 | | salario minimo/giorno: 1,6 US$; CinaAsian Monitor Resource Center | |
anno | impiegati <> | impatto sociale : paese fonte |
anno |   | fatturato | profitti | | riscatto | fonte |
2008 |
| | 0,64 | |   | miliardi Eu€ | Les Echos |
2007 |
| | 0,55 | |   | miliardi Eu€ | Les Echos |
2006 |
| 10,08 | 0,48 | |   | miliardi Eu€ | |
2005 |
| 6,64 | 0,38 | |   | miliardi Eu€ | |
2005 |
| | | | 0,5 | miliardi Eu€ | AGEFI |
2004 |
| 6,48 | 0,31 | |   | miliardi Eu€ | |
2003 |
| 6,27 | 0,26 | |   | miliardi Eu€ | |
2002 |
| 6,52 | 0,23 | |   | miliardi Eu€ | |
2001 |
| 6,11 | 0,21 | |   | miliardi Eu€ | |
2000 |
| 5,83 | 0,18 | |   | miliardi Eu€ | |
1999 |
| 5,35 | 0,33 | |   | miliardi Eu€ | |
1998 |
| 5,94 | 0,24 | |   | miliardi US$ | |
anno | delinquenza finanziaria | fatturato | profitti | attivo | riscatto | fonte |
anno | scopo : intermediario/lobby : istituzione fonte |
2000 | : WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development) : : United Nations tradurre | Corporate Europe Observatory |
anno | scopo : intermediario/lobby : istituzione fonte |
anno | pratica dubbia : immagine fonte |
2000 | slogan: Forever Sport.; pub | |
2000 | slogan: Adidas vous rend meilleur.; | |
1994 | slogan: Passion for sports.; | |