nome  clicca sulle marchi per confrontare i prezzi |
» Comperiamo locale, etica e al migliore prezzo su Ethishop  |
anno | attività fonte |
2004 | Terzo rappresentante mondiale di articoli sportivi. | Les Echos |
paese | indirizzo & contatto : tipo de produzione vantaggio fonte |
Albania | : 2 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Brasile | : 3 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Bulgaria | : 2 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Campucea | : 3 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Cina | : 83 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Cina | Dongguan Elegant Top Shoes Co., Ltd; Da Tang Dou, Ju Shan Village, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province & 6841414X228 : |
Cina | KTP factory : shoes Asian Monitor Resource Center |
Stati Uniti | Reebok Center for Training : université Global Learning Resources Inc. |
Guatemala | : 18 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Honduras | : 3 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Hong-Kong | : 2 facilities Fair Labor Association |
India | : 4 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Indonesia | : 26 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Giordania | : 1 facility Fair Labor Association |
Macao | : 7 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Macedonia | : 1 facility Fair Labor Association |
Malaysia | : 14 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Marocco | : 1 facility Fair Labor Association |
Messico | : 24 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Panama | REEBOK CENTRAL SPORT INC, Apdo.2089 Z.L. Colón & 507 441-6366 : |
Perú | : 29 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Filippine | : 6 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Filippine | Reebok (Philippines) Services Co., Inc : |
Singapore | : 1 facility Fair Labor Association |
Sri Lanka | : 5 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Swaziland | : 1 facility Fair Labor Association |
Taiwan | : 44 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Tailandia | : 17 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Turchia | : 6 facilities Fair Labor Association |
Venezuela | : 1 facility Fair Labor Association |
Vietnam | : 29 facilities Fair Labor Association |
anno nome | foto funzione; retribuzione fonte |
anno | impiegati <> | impatto sociale : paese fonte |
2005 | | salario minimo/giorno: 25 US$; Turchia | |
2005 | | salario minimo/giorno: 6 US$; Cina | |
2005 | | salario minimo/giorno: 5 US$; IndiaLivre | |
2005 | | violazioni OIL 1, 100, 111 : According to an investigation by the National Labor Comittee about Reebok sub-contractor, workers are locked inside the factory, required to work 10 hours per day, women are subjected to pregnancy tests at the factory and are paid 19 cents for every US$75 jersey they sew. Reebok disputed the claims. tradurre : Honduras | AP |
2002 | | | Fair Labor Association |
2002 | | violazioni OIL 1 : «sub-minimum wage payments are common in China due to the pervasiveness of piece rate wage calculations. Much of the underpayment problem can be attributed to overtime hours not compensated at a premium as required by Chinese law.» tradurre : Cina | Fair Labor Association |
2002 | | violazioni OIL 26, 131 : workers underpaid due to the “projected target rate” calculation: wage rate is set for 8 working hours, but in practice the working hours are sometimes extended to meet the target, resulting in payment below the minimum wage. tradurre : Tailandia | Fair Labor Association |
2002 | | salario minimo/giorno: 0,67 US$; VietnamFair Labor Association | |
2002 | | violazioni OIL 100,111 : workers were required to submit a medical certificate which may include pregnancy testing, prior to employment, to discourage employment of married or pregnant women. tradurre : Vietnam | Fair Labor Association |
2000 | | violazioni OIL 1 : Work more than 60 hours a week tradurre : | China Labor Watch |
2000 | | violazioni OIL 138 : Workers under 16 years old, some are sexually harassed, Dongguan Elegant Top Shoes Co tradurre : Cina | China Labor Watch |
2000 | | salario minimo/giorno: 1,95 US$; violazioni OIL 26,131 : Cina | |
anno | impiegati <> | impatto sociale : paese fonte |
anno | paese : conseguenza fonte |
2008 | Stati Uniti marchio: Reebok : Reebok pagherà un'ammenda di 1 milione di dollaro per avere importato da Cina ed avere distribuito agli Stati Uniti 300.000 braccialetti che contengono livelli tossici di piombo. Un bambino di 4 anni è morto dopo avere inghiottito una parte staccata di un braccialetto. Reebok ha distribuito 510.000 braccialetti di questi braccialetti nel mondo. | AP |
anno | paese : conseguenza fonte |
anno |   | fatturato | profitti | | | fonte |
2004 |
| 3,78 | 0,19 | |   | miliardi US$ | Les Echos |
2003 |
| 3,48 | 0,15 | |   | miliardi US$ | Les Echos |
2002 |
| 3,13 | 0,13 | |   | miliardi US$ | |
2001 |
| 2,99 | 0,1 | |   | miliardi US$ | |
2000 |
| 2,87 | 0,08 | |   | miliardi US$ | |
1999 |
| 2,9 | 0,01 | |   | miliardi US$ | |
1998 |
| 3,23 | 0,02 | |   | miliardi US$ | |
anno | delinquenza finanziaria | fatturato | profitti | attivo | riscatto | fonte |
anno | scopo : intermediario/lobby : istituzione fonte |
2000 | : American Chamber of Commerce's EU Committee : : European Commission tradurre | Corporate Europe Observatory |
anno | scopo : intermediario/lobby : istituzione fonte |
anno | pratica dubbia : immagine fonte |
1998 | slogan: Sur la planète Reebok, il n'y a pas de frontière; | |
1996 | slogan: This is my planet.; | Conseil International des Femmes |
1992 | slogan: Reebok, the edge.; | |